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For the non-patrons, I'd like to tell you guys that I've released the 0.2 version for the general public today. The list of major changes added to it is:

- Game upscaled to 1280x720 resolution.

- Days 4 & 5.

- New BGMs.

- A transition animation was added to signify the passing days.

By the way, the public demo is going to be update two weeks after the patron only demos, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for those.

For the patrons, I'd like to tell you guys that progress has been slow on the writing front. I've been trying (and failing miserably) to make a revamped GUI. Right now I'm still fiddling with the design on Photoshop. After I finish it, I still have to learn how to implement it on the game (have I told you guys that I'm no programmer? hahaha).
All in all, next update might be a bit on the short side, but everything is still somewhat on schedule so far.


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