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Man, this was a hell of a tangent! Probably one of the most densely illustrated min-comics I've done in a while. I'm pleased with the result, however. I really wanted to do more with Muscle-Woman, Wild-Girl and Bazuumba, and I also really wanted to do a She-Hulk tf too. I found a way to do them all at once and tie them together with the concept of the multiverse, trending thanks to the success of the recent Dr Strange movie (which is excellent if anyone here hasn't seen it).  I guess technically this is a Muscle-Woman comic as it's her tale here that binds all of the others together. It was great fun to create.  I might even create a sequel to this one day, who knows?

Edit: I almost forgot to give thanks to TERRY for providing the dynamic dialogue for the Savage Redux portions of this tale! Thanks a million, Terry!




Whether a sequel is created or not, this series stands up wonderfully on its own!


Considering the She Hulk story is based on Savage-Redux, do y'all know if that story is still somehow accessible?


Sexy as always! I hope you don't forget about the original 1940s Bazoomba and use her again at some point. Perhaps as a team-up with Golden Age Stellar?


Sadly I don't know! I don't even have any of it saved-- maybe Terry might decide to post them someplace else, but that's a decision for him.


Buck complaining about being carried is a hoot!


Wild Girl, in the process of mutating, ripping her clothes apart, trying to hold back, and drenched in sweat (only Manic can make this great comission) is the very essence of the Female Muscle Groth fetish.