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Early on in the career of the Stupendous She-Squatch, Linda Langowski was unable to control her transformations into her furry alter-ego! Angered by the passivity and inactivity of a crowd as they watch a crime taking place, Linda's ire triggers another chemical reaction in her mutated cells... It's SHRRRIPPING time, baby!




Beautiful transformation! I really enjoyed the dialogue on this one. And the art is spectacular as usual. I hope we get to see more of Linda's unexpected transformations into the She-Squatch.


I hope in a longer comic with a more interesting story


Is there an origin comic about her? How did she get her transformations?


Manic, I think you have a major hit with this character.


I do enjoy me some She-Squatch. This character is a winner, Manic!


Fabulous sequence ! Linda is always welcome in these pages ! :)

Bryan B

should have a crossover with the She Hulk-the 1 where she can not control her transformation, or the She Hulk where she changes during a full moon...guess you have all sorts of ideas piled high and everywhere