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OK, I've finished the art with just under an hour to go before my "Office" closes for business. Your pal Manic takes over Dad duties from half-past five, and Wednesday is full time Daddy-Daycare. I could rush through some lettering, and I was getting half way to finishing that, but the thing is-- I'm rushing it. I want to take the time to get this not just finished but GOOD. So, I'm gonna wait till Thursday to polish the writing and make something I know will not be half-baked. In the meantime though, I just can't keep your eyes from this sequence-- I'm really bloody pleased with it. 




This is fkin amazing and damn that coloring 😦

James Winfield

Amazing! Truly amazing! Love these sequences! Also fantastic foot growth in this as well! Socks and boots are a great combo!


Superb as always!

Agent Zero

REALLy cool face TF on that first page!



Garth Ranzz

Love the imagery of green nuke detonating in her brain and shooting changes into her DNA.


Remarkable !!! If only you produced your own show...