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Another unfinished storyline! :/ Trying not to leave stuff hanging with my current work...



James Winfield

While unfinished, this still is a great contained story! Love the tfs in this! Great foot growths, especially with the sock and boot one! There was a lot of great comics on RTE23 and hopefully you can post the other ones on there!


The First and Damsel Not In Distress are prob my fave Manicverse comics of the past few years. I get the feeling that you put a lot of your own personality into The Aphid's dialogue. Just a guess.


And Amazons vs Robots with Giant She Hulk. Can i see this comic.🤔🥰


Can you post Amazons vs Robots RTE23 in Monday or Friday. PLEASE🙏🥰💚

Nick A.

I wished this was finished 😢 but good job man


Foot growths are a extremely underappreciated gem not enough artists do them justice! Manic and Homer-rier are part of the few that do them right😋