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Ahhh, glad I finally got around to clourising this! OK-- as you may have noticed, this is a play n the "almost" TF in Jen's office from Savage She-Hulk issue nine. In my Simpsons version, almost turns into most definitely! I changed the colour ofMarge's dress-- traditionally green-- to white because it clashed too much with the green skin. Also, there's just something cool and fun about seeing the classic Savage She-Hulk 'simpsonised'.





So awesome!!!!


This is so accurate to the actual Simpsons artwork, that I was sure you were going to have a little panel with the Comic Book Guy, who was revealed to have a She-Hulk fetish himself in one of the episodes, make a comment in a little panel on the last page.


Love it! Always had a fondness for muscular Marge ever since that "Strong Arms of the Ma" episode. Seeing her hulk out is a treat

Garth Ranzz

Nailed the Simpsons look, M ... which is not easy.


Love it! Makes me like She-Hulk even more now!


What about Barbara Week Part 2 tho?


Next, Married With Children.... Peg Bundy hulks out...😛


This is a concept I would never expect to work, but clearly whose time has come. This is actually one of my favorites of yours. It's clever how you adapted that classic scene from the comics (except without Jen's successful efforts to reverse the transformation). The simple design of Marge's dress really lets you show off the swelling and the ripping is expertly rendered. You've also done a remarkable job showing Marge's odd but iconic hair change into the familiar She-Hulk mane. And having Lionel Hutz fill in for Buck Bukowski? Insipired! (The Phil Hartman characters--Hutz and Troy McClure--were among my favorites back when I watched the show.) You've outdone yourself, sir. Great work.


Fulsome praise indeed! Thanks SAS! I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out so well and at how easy to draw the Simpsons style is. I guess the goodness knows how many hours I've spent watching the show for the past thirty years has paid off!