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This commission from 2012 is one of my favourite ever jobs. To be fair, the tf sequence is fairly run of the mill, but drawing Batman was great fun and I'm still really pleased with the Harley Quinn page. 



Flash Gorgon

What is Harley supposed to be singing on page 3? It drove me nuts the first time you displayed it...

Garth Ranzz

When you posted this at the Funhouse, you wrote that the Harley handstand was among your favorite linework. And it indeed is amazing to see this character, usually drawn as highly fit athlete at best, given some serious beef and a world-class bum.

Dr. Lecter

Hi everyone! Great, thank you for delivering this comic. :D Is it be possible to have a sequel to it?^^


Is there going to be a sequel? Story and art is great.

Bryan B

saw this on your Advent site...nice ...glad to see the Red Fox as well


I don't think it's anything really! Just made-up singing words. I might have meant it to be some sort of jaunty circus song at the time, I guess.