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So randomly my mouse right clicked just broke on my mouse, So I had to buy a new one. And had a forced break. If you were curious It was like a Logitech mouse.

So, I'll try to get back on the swing of things. I've been playing with jiggle physics in blender since they did some cool things.

So here are the Priorities for this month.
-I'll try to get a donger this month
-Lulu model will be done. Just not ready for use
-I'll release a ton more models on the Pixiv and SFMLAB (Along Some Pixiv Exclusive models) Which will be 1. Commissions 2.Stuff that I can technically CAN post here... But would be to risky IMO. So it'll just go on Pixiv. (Feral Stuff- But since its not sex... just nude/lewd)

Some lower Priority stuff
-Poppy clothes (Due to me re looking at her in general, I want to take this slow)
-More Physics stuff. (for blender, THis stuff will make with it pretty easy...



Sorry to be a bother, but do you know the progress on Nasus? I know you mentioned you had to get some help for his mouth, but was just curious since i'm quite hyped for him, lol