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Merry Everything! I hope you're all having a wonderful winter so far. Let's warm up those cockles of yours with some expandy fun this month.

The votes are counted and this month's comic will be...


Holiday Wish

Every year, a tiny mouse girl has made one wish on every holiday she could think of - to be bigger, and this year is no different, though she expects nothing to happen once again. Unknown to her though, clerical errors at the Magical Wish Granting offices have resulted in every one of her wishes basically being lost in a paperwork shuffle, with a new system being put in place resulting in all of them being granted at once. The end result has her getting bigger in every way imaginable, on a larger scale than she had originally planned.

(Growth, Macro, Expansion)


Keep an eye out for the Planning Committee thread if you're in that tier you can help brainstorm the comic!


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