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Time to generate a new batch of story ideas for the monthly vote!

Choose what you'd like to see and the two top winners from each poll will be mashed together to create two story ideas that will battle it out in the monthly comic vote!*

Fetish Poll: Click Here!

Setting Poll: Click Here!

Leave some of your own Fetish or Setting suggestions below and I'll use them in future polls!


Fetish poll winner: Breast Expansion

Setting poll winner: Spiked food/Medival/Cat


"Puss in Boobs- A Catgirl musketeer is showing off her swordfighting skills in a grand tournament. She enjoys a hardy feast with the nobles beforehand however a spiked glass of wine might give her a slightly unfair weight disadvantage (Themes: Breast Expansion)"



Fetish: Inflation


(Sorry, meant to make multiple lines, but I forgot I can't do that here.) Setting: Any method/Gothic castle/Bat

Dark NZ

Fetish suggestion: Trait theft / mass exchange >;3


I just want to see squeal to Land Of Milk And Honey


Fetish poll winner: Butt Expansion/Egg Laying Setting poll winner: Starting Hyper/ Farm / Cow = Make your wish! A farmer is putting a sign to sell chickens because the are not producing eggs as he wish! Than, a meteor falls from the sky and then after an explosion that releases a shower of a mysterious liquid. After the chickens get soaked they get their butts increase excessively, so great but so large that they can not even move anymore! After this inexplicable mega asses growth they start to lay eggs heap! The Farmer leaps of joy and throws the card sign to sell away! Many chickens mega butt producing a mountain of eggs!