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Hello all! Sorry for the comic's delay, as many of you know the past three months has been rather spotty for me and my family health-wise. Without getting into sob stories I'd just like to thank everybody who's stuck by me while I've fallen behind. I really appriciate it, thank you so so much for being patient and understanding.

Now for the actual reason for the blog, it's been a year running this Patreon and in that time the format hasn't changed much. I'd really like to shake things up a little to keep it interesting and make all of you happier.

I'd love to hear what you guys would want out of this Patreon.  Would you prefer the short monthly comics like I've been doing or perhaps something more long form? Do you have any suggestions for new or altered tiers?

Should we do away with the voting and story suggestions in favor of a simple open poll every month? Should we go with a long form character driven comic more in the format of THESE?

If you have an idea or an opinion let me hear it! Keep in mind I couldn't really keep up with the "custom pinups monthly" sort of tiers, I appologize in advance, I know those are popular.


Xarnak Ansar

I like the polling personally, but it's up to you. :3


So would you prefer a monthly poll of story ideas only made by me, availiable to everybody in the 3 tier?

Xarnak Ansar

Only by you? Well I think it would be interesting for people to suggest ideas.


Maybe we should try doing both for awhile and we'll see which one is more comfortable to us paretons?


Honestly I wouldn't change a thing. Seriously if something has worked out just fine, with no complaints from anyone for literally a year, I think you got a working system...so why change a good thing? ^^


I am new as your Patreon and one thing that I considered to be one is the interesting thing of monthly poll and short but great comics stories. I think it is the best way for us viewers feel as a contributor of a story and a good democracy! So please keep it exactly the same. Could be good if you put a poll results grafic during the voting time to viewers see who is leading.

Kirk Allwein

I'm all for keeping the system as it is, personally. I think it's working just fine as it is :D

Aly Dal

to be honest you are the only patreon i have left for a good reason


if i could make a suggestion, i think it would be neat to keep it the same however have some special comic to be released after 6 months, doesnt need to be a ton of pages just a special one that was worked on as you did the others, maybe just 2 pages a month for it, this way you still give your monthly but youd also have an extra juicy one half way into the year, like an actual mini series possibly.

Dog Fox

You should do whatever best suits you, but I'm happy with the current system. However I wouldn't mind if once or twice a year, you upload a comic entirely of your creation. :3

Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

I have no qualms with how the system works currently. One of those character driven kind of comics would be nice, but you should only really pursue that idea when you've got free time to do so. Right now, for example, would not be a prim opportunity, given that you're getting held up with all that stuff :3


Heeh that's very flattering! I actually did have a few complaints that a few of the tiers were too OP to the outcome of the comics.


That's not a bad idea, when I have a little free time to work on a side project for you guys over a long while. That could be a possibility


Hehe that seems to be the general concensus. Nobody wants to rock the boat XD


I like those comics, and really, I feel some of the better stuff is when the artist feels more comfortable. I come for the fats and the boobs and the bigs and such, but please, if you get the urge to do something specific, go for it. This is kind of a business, but as long as you don't rush away from 'the bigness' I can't see it being poorly received.

Xarnak Ansar

Might be abit strenuous on Rabid though. Maybe offer it as an option in the polling?


Yes I do! ...and what about my idea of a graphic poll during the month vote? I mean one that way we Patreons could see the previous results and try to make a campaign for our choice and on that way could also get more veiwers and maybe new Patreons for your page ; ) what do you think?

Lupi Inkenhoof

Whatever works for you. I'm sure most of us will mostly will be good. Though I also like the Comic of your own creation idea. :3

Drakin Kovar

I had a thought though I don't know if you'd be interested. What about alternating one-shot comics and ongoing ones? Like January, March, and May could be three parts of one ongoing comic and July, September, and November could be another three parts to another comic, and the months in between would stay the singles unless fans like them so much they want more. Just a suggestion though I don't mind if things continue as they are. :)


Swtiching off would be interesting but I feel like it'd be a bit too confusing too keep track of for people.