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I was still a little hesitant about it but I'll be switching to upfront payments!

This month I noticed that 47 pledges were actually bots which was the major deciding factor. That's just too dang many! XD

So I've made that change and I'll be working to remove them from my system. Sometimes it's easy to tell who is a bot and who isn't but it's not always 100% so I just wanted to give a heads up to anybody who might be removed erroneously.

If your Pledges have been being declined please do your best to correct whatever the issue is so it's easier to tell who's purely fake and who's just having temporary issues. I don't wish to remove any real life people  so if it happens please contact me either here or through any of my galleries.

Love you all! <3



lol when i saw i was charged i was like "bout time he did it" haha youre good man


Yea, most artists should.