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The other two opponents greedily start sucking down the formula. The Musclefur begins to bulge out of his singlet and the Macrofur steadily causes her own stitches to creak and moan under the strain of her increasing size.

The Fatfur is off to a slower start, being a definite foodie she can’t just bring herself to guzzle some mystery liquid.

She tastes just a little on the very tip of her tongue. It’s thick, it’s creamy and best of all it’s chocolate flavored! Delicious!

And with that the three are off and growing!




On the surface, it probably seemed like a pretty balanced game. The musclefur would use their mighty muscles to suck harder than they ever have before, while the macro would just take bigger and bigger mouthfuls. The fatfur would have to rely on their natural gluttony to persevere. Then some idiot thought to make it super delicious. Whoops!

Xarnak Ansar

Ooooo yes swelling goodness begins.

Xarnak Ansar

Ooooo those bloating muscles, yessss :D