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Welcome all to the monthly comic announcement. How did the voting go!? We shall soon find out! And spooky comic we'll be indulging in this month iiiiiiiiisssssss.......


More than a Mouthful

When an unsuspecting deer girl is turned into a Hyp-ire, a being that drains the size of its sexual partners to add onto their own, she’s initially overjoyed at the chance to add on some inches to her size below the belt, but when she crosses paths with one hell of a grower, will her hubris be her undoing?

(Size Theft, Breast/Ass/Penis Expansion, HYPER sizes)


Looks like a spooooky vampire is going to be haunting our halls. Preying on hyperfurs and adding their size to her own!

Hope you look forward to it! >=3

If you're in the Planning Tier then check out the Planning Committee thread  if you want to help pitch some suggestions for this scary tale!

Love you all, have a good month and look forward to the comic!




Honestly I feel that some of the ones that aren't being done should be made later on. Heck i might try and draw one of them myself cause I know there were a few other ones I was rooting for as well

Mecha Kaiju X

Lookin' forward to this one! Sounds like a BLAST ^^