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A few more small morsels down the hatch, just to make it a properly well rounded meal. The mighty hero sprawls her own properly well rounded self across the town below.

Her celebration coming to an end, she rests her heads on the comfy nearby mountains, content in the knowledge that she's saved the townsfolk.

Why, the adoring residents have even begun hanging banners in her honor!




WARNING! Raid boss Balina has been upgraded to World Boss Status! Hero's beware!

Dog Fox

Is this what happened to the last monster? XD


Nah, it's only irony if it wasn't what everyone was expecting from the first page. XD


In a totally not-joking manner, the possibility that this is where monsters come from is a plot point for her world. The doublemoof doesn't know anyone else who can get big from eating stuff, but she doesn't know anyone else who's tried, and worries that the various monster hunter-esque beasties roaming around are, or are descended from, people who went on one of these binges and never came back.

Dog Fox

So I'm guessing in her world, all you can eat restaurants wouldn't exist. X3 (Sorry I can't seem to be able to reply to your comment B )


Limitation of Patreon. They do exist, but the doublemoof takes it... a lot further than most. There's a point she usually has to try very hard to reach, long after a normal person would get sick and stop, where a little switch in her head flips from 'I cannot eat another bite' to 'Oh man I will never be full'. This time, she went right past that point by virtue of being drunk and having a LOT of food shoved at her.