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July 27th, 43' 6"

Renovations are still expected to take another two or three months, and I can't keep telecommuting forever. I met with most of senior management a couple of days ago, but I haven’t seen most of my employees in over a month. Feeling particularly stir-crazy, I headed downtown and spent most of today standing outside the main office, touching base with as many people as I could. We had to improvise (I dropped a cell phone in my ear and called their desk phones) so I could hear anything they tried to

yell through the glass, which means I guess I was still telecommuting, but it was nice to actually see some familiar faces again. Got a lot of emails from people telling me how glad they were to see me again, too. Most of them asking me to come by more often.

I don’t think that the city is really going to let me pull this stunt many more times, though. Over the course of the afternoon, they started sending in traffic wardens, sneaking in tickets whenever they could. My right foot acquired six parking citations, and the tickling I felt around midday turned out to be someone figuring out how to attach a wheel clamp to my left dewclaw. I should have seen them coming, but let’s be honest, how often have I seen my feet this month?

It's hard to believe this has only been going on for four months. After spending the day staring into the third and fourth-story windows I have trouble remembering what it felt like to walk down those halls, wondering who decided a high-rise building needed such high ceilings. Going by the marks I left outside, my boobs could fill one of those floors up to the ceiling now, no problem.



Night Akula

I love all Rabids art, but this series is extra awesome. Can't wait to see more.


yeah this series is quickly becoming a fav. these full-page spreads give rabid's art the space it deserves to spread out, and I hope some future requests will pick up on this trend. also, the writing's a delight. I would be so lucky to work for an executive who cared so much about their business that they'd go to such extremes. "I dropped a cell phone in my ear and called their desk phones" INDEED.

Alexander Opst (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 22:24:21 Okay. Having a macro standing at several floors simultaneously like this is... Yeow <3
2015-11-10 05:15:01 Okay. Having a macro standing at several floors simultaneously like this is... Yeow <3

Okay. Having a macro standing at several floors simultaneously like this is... Yeow <3


You keep making my day with comments like these, sp. Knowing people are appreciating even the really tiny details makes me glad I crammed them in there. :D

sp (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 08:51:29 you know it! I've always been cheered by your multiverse-hopping scenarios and attention to deets. deserves recognition IMO! also, with imagery like "it was all I could do to grab anyone who got within reach and then set them down somewhere less ticklish" how could I not comment? hyper-macro expansion is absurd as it is eyepleasing, so it's a treat seeing people have fun with it. also, lol @ the giant hairnet &amp; tailnet. we have to observe FDA food prep regulations, of course! (something tells me this particular batch probably won't make it to the freezer aisle, though)
2015-11-11 16:05:58 you know it! I've always been cheered by your multiverse-hopping scenarios and attention to deets. deserves recognition IMO! also, with imagery like "it was all I could do to grab anyone who got within reach and then set them down somewhere less ticklish" how could I not comment? hyper-macro expansion is absurd as it is eyepleasing, so it's a treat seeing people have fun with it. also, lol @ the giant hairnet & tailnet. we have to observe FDA food prep regulations, of course! (something tells me this particular batch probably won't make it to the freezer aisle, though)

you know it! I've always been cheered by your multiverse-hopping scenarios and attention to deets. deserves recognition IMO! also, with imagery like "it was all I could do to grab anyone who got within reach and then set them down somewhere less ticklish" how could I not comment? hyper-macro expansion is absurd as it is eyepleasing, so it's a treat seeing people have fun with it. also, lol @ the giant hairnet & tailnet. we have to observe FDA food prep regulations, of course! (something tells me this particular batch probably won't make it to the freezer aisle, though)