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Hey ya'll, long time no see.

I apologize for my prolonged absence and lack of updates. Frankly speaking I haven't been in the best head-space about things lately. If you ask me what progress I've made towards the end of the last comic, unfortunately I would answer, none. I haven't been able to sit down and work on anything seriously lately, in fact.

I dread working on comics or commissions or anything with "consequences" I suppose. ^^;

I haven't accepted patreon payments for the last two months. I don't plan on taking any for April either so don't worry.

Moving forward... I don't know exactly. I had been planning to use this time to figure out some way to rework the way my patron comics work. Maybe do something where stories can go for longer or where audience interaction is more more fun or just figuring out any changes that would put me on less of a time crunch every month. I have been mulling it over a lot but I haven't come to any conclusions.

I don't know when I'm going to resume normal comic updates. If you check my twitter and furaffinity you can see some 'for fun' stuff I've been doing just to not get rusty. ( https://twitter.com/Rabid_Cowolf / https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rabid/ )

Other than that...I don't know.

I'm sorry guys.


Xarnak Ansar

Take your time, thing like this aren’t easy to figure out.


Take care of yourself first and foremost. We'll always be here for you. And you already got my info if you ever need an ear.


Take whatever time you need. We're in a strange state right now where everything is being flipped upside-down. This just means more time to think.

Alexander Opst

Take what time you need. If you find yourself in trouble, reach out- we'll do what we can to help! Would it help with the time crunch any if you moved away from a strictly monthly model? I know Patreon's setup implies a consistent monthly timer, but there's no need to tie yourself to it if it doesn't suit you. Regardless, rest up, and enjoy yourself for a bit!


I’d look at how other creators structure their Patreons for inspiration - Funkybun in particular does long form story based comics, and takes inspiration and recommendations from their Patreons.

Digital Slug

Keeping your skills sharp? Luckily that's a good thing for the characters, I'm not sure they'd enjoy anything else sharp. At least we know you still love us. Don't worry, we're patient.


Burnout happens to us all, bud. ^^ Get some rest, and take the time you need. May I suggest working on personal projects instead of dedicated comics? Do what you want to do!


Maybe think of doing payment per page? Then you can go at your own pace!


I agree, having per page means you wouldn't worry about other Patreons paying until you actually finish progress.


I suggest going per page. You fear charging per month and not finishing enough pages in the month; it can be quite stressful. Changing your billing structure to per page should resolve that issue; maybe you should try setting a vote?

Mecha Kaiju X

No worries Rabid! Just take some quality unwind time and come back later when your feeling it ^^

Anime Guy

Completely understandable with the state of the world currently. You take of you bud. We can wait.


Hey Rabid, I hope things become lighter for you soon. I know what it's like to have a full plate whether it be workload, emotional burden, or both, straining your creative motivation. I've been a fan for as long as I can remember and always will be. So definitely take your time. I was told 2020 is the year of self-care, so please do take care of yourself. ♥


Do what you need to do! Honestly Rabid, I've subscribed to your Patreon to support you rather than to get comics. I've always loved your stuff, and discovering your work when I first ventured into the fandom was a big reason for me going full hyper fur.


personally i feel you shouldnt have to pressure yourself to completion so heavily. i came here to support you, not your schedule. if you need extra time to work on your comics then so be it. i rather have content that came from you, your time, your direction. not from us, our time and our direction yknow? i like the system you have for short fun comics, i think youd like it more if you werent as obligated to do them as you make it or werent so pressured to do it. i do also like the idea of longer comics. i also like the shorts. so idk either lol. but if it really came to it, id say have fun. put yourself first


You can always keep this open as like, a donation area if you want! It's up to you, I still like supporting you no matter what.