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Themes: Demons, Breast Expansion, Macro, Muscle, Size Difference

Page 1: Evan and his girlfriend have come out to the middle of the woods for a ritual. More accurately Evan was dragged along as a second person was needed for what she had in mind.

A chalk binding circle has been prepared and it's time to begin the summoning

Page 2: Evan is NOT okay with any of this. Shivering from the crisp fall cold (and totally not his own intense fear) his girlfriend comes over to comfort him, assuring him everything will be alright. Absolutely nothing will go wrong.

Page 3: The lithe mouse girl's face turns, her compassionate expression changed to one of intense concentration as the summoning spell begins.

Page 4: A mighty blast of magical energy explodes out of the center of the binding circle. First nothing, then a demonic hand claws it's way out of the ground followed by a massive and intimidating beast. Flames spew forth from the ground as a giant demon is pulled from his mysterious origins into our world.

Page 5: Evan is shocked, and in a panic lurches backwards away from the giant monstrous demon. Unfortunately in the process he breaks the circle keeping the demon bound to their will.

Page 6: Freed from his magic chains the demon instantly takes advantage of their carelessness. He lunges and grabs a prize for himself. A meek soul to claim for his own. But first he must remake this vessel into something more to his liking....

Page 7: Evan's body is slowly changed, his mouse-like features contorting and growing into a more feline form. He cries out for help as his girlfriend frantically searches through her book for a spell to fend off this demon before his work is done.

Page 8: Finally coming across the correct spell the girl lets loose with a might blast of magic. Completely dispelling the demon and casting him back into his own realm. She runs to check on her friend but he won't respond to anything. Has the demon's will completely overtaken his own?

Page 9: As if on queue the large tiger demoness opens her eyes. She looks over her new, impressive body. Pensive, still shaking fingers explore every new and still sensitive curve.

Page 10: The small mouse girl has been enraptured with her boyfriend's transformation. Not able to believe with her own eyes that this is the same small timid mouse boy she was looking at just moments ago. Her hands explore these new areas as well until the large tiger-demon fall on top of her. As if feeding on her curiosity and lust the demoness brings her face between the small mouse girl's face.

Page 11: In their relationship the mouse girl has always been the confident and dominant one. When the demonic power was infused in the mouse boy it seemed only heighten his submissive and loving nature. The large demoness wishes only to please and excite her much smaller companion.

Page 12: The small mouse girl stops the tiger-demoness' advances however. She says to her former boyfriend "Evan, this isn't really the time or place" . The response comes soft but powerfully "Call me...Eve... Now...where can I go about getting some clothes this size?"




Hooooo boy. Busy month, dang. :D More relevantly, this was a pretty fantastic set, and paired pretty well with this month's regular comic. Legitimately huge without going TOO crazy is good to have once in a while. Also, some truly fantastic facial expressions throughout. The gaze in the last panel of the first page especially so.


All these muscle comics, ugh!


It has been amuscle heavy set but these things come in waves. Next month is set to be more T&A focused.

Aly Dal

im honestly in love with this comic , but who am i kidding i love all your comics<3


Thanks so much B- I tried to do a lot with the visual storytelling in this one. I'm glad it panned out ^_^

Anime Guy

Im not going to lie. I was quite worried when Evan got grabbed by the demon. I thought this might end up very bad for him and his girlfriend. So glad i was wrong. Like Aly said i love this comic and pretty much all of what you do. Thank you and just curious but any chance of a future comic featuring those two again?


Hehe I'm glad one of my little comics could instill a sense of suspense for a while. That's great! Thanks for the compliments too. As for a future comic with these two, anything's possible and I certainly wouldn't be against it!