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Whew! And that's the finale! I really hope you guys like it! I just want to give a shout out to all you patient patrons for being so lovely despite several delays. If it's a choice between rushing and not being happy with the final product or taking my time and doing my very best I'd much rather try to produce something to the very best of my ability. And it's your guy's trust and patience that allows me the freedom to do that even when I go quite a bit over the monthly turnover. 

And I'm actually quite happy with how this turned out after all is said and done! ^^

Another big shoutout for the people who continue to be patrons when the month's comic isn't their thing.I know my comics fluctuate in themes a lot and I know this particular month was pretty wild in particular haha. But thank you guys for staying on board for the ride regardless!

Thank you all so so much for the support and encouragement and for being a part of these silly fandoms with me. I love you all! Now on to next comic! ^_^




Pure chaos :0


I seriously have no idea how you draw all this


I honestly need to ask what of each does she have. XD Love the Bayonetta looking medallions on her btw!


Welp, I'm seriously considering upping to the HQ tier now.