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Themes: Breast Expansion, Macro, Building Destruction/Insertion

Page 1: Deep inside one of the city's many skyscrapers, near the middle floors of the building, a mousey spy has been undercover posing as a secretary for a large corporation. Finally she's caught wind of the prize she's been looking for and has just the opportunity to snatch it.

Passing a sleeping guard she looks in from the doorway. Moving quickly behind the massive desk and revealing the hidden wall safe behind. A mysterious canister greets her. Just what she wanted.

Page 2: Finally it's within her grasp, just what she's been waiting for, a very potent and very volatile experimental serum. You may ask why she doesn't just escape with her prize, what's her escape plan? Well, the serum IS her escape plan.

Downing the entire bottle the contents quickly takes hold of her inhibitions. The thief stumbles backwards against the wall of the office, her hands moving to one breast and under her skirt.

Page 3: Her eyes shut tight, her mouth opens wide as she pants in pleasure, her body convulsing, triggering the start of her growth.

Her nipples bulging noticeably, her midriff exposed as her growing breasts pull her shirt up, her panties straining to stay on, fluid gushing down her legs. Every orgasm that sparks through her body comes with another surge of growth.

The thief's head presses against the ceiling of the office but her hand stays buried in her crotch, not yet finished. Not by a long shot.

Page 4: Now too big for the office her back strains against the ceiling though her hands are still busy pleasuring herself. She doesn't have time to stop and worry about something as silly as having no space, in fact she soon hits another major orgasm, which kicks her growth into overdrive.

The buildings floors give way one by as she bursts through several stories.

Page 5: She breaks free of the building with a triumphant moan. While her body is now beyond massive her breasts have been growing at an even faster rate, her nipples larger than her fists, rock hard from her arousal, milk starting to leak from them.

As the building crumbles from her growth, she pulls a breast to her mouth, sucking on it, taking a moment to bask in her size. No longer in a sex crazed frenzy she realizes her hand is no longer up to the job of keeping her satisfied. Though on the horizon a building seems to be just of a certain size and shape...

Page 6: Stomping through the city towards her goal, a few unlucky buildings get knocked over, her tail swishing through one behind her, taking it out. A small price to pay as she reaches the tower. It's perfect.

Mounting the building she plunges it deep inside her. If any indication of her enjoyment was needed it's that she has to squat more and more to let the building inside herself as her multiple orgasms trigger her rapid growth once again.





Epic work!


Dang, this came out well. ...And someone is making good use of loopholes. Heh.

Alexander Opst

I like where this is headed! Mousie gal is getting grandiose here.

Kirk Allwein

She's got quite a bit to go :3. Verrrry happy with how this came out :D. Awesome work, Rabid!

Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

Ah, poor Jess. Bein' stuck in that building as it's crushed....but hey, at least she doesn't have to worry about being the only one who loses her job X3