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Themes: Breast Expansion, Herm, Hyper Fat, Hyper Muscle , Extreme Sizes Page 1: Lilith and Sinji are massive, sprawling themselves across the countryside and lazing about after a short day of being big and smothering cities The two love lavishing in their own hugeness but suddenly Lilith decides she wants to enjoy Sinji's hugeness instead. Page 2: Lilith slides her bulk over Sinji's massive member, sandwiching it between her fat and Sinji's muscle. Sinji is enjoying the attention, lavishing in the double boob job when suddenly Lilith is gone and she finds herself alone... Page 3: Lilith can move her gargantuan butt pretty quick for her size. Sinji only sees a giant ass that blocks out the sky as Lilith brings it down on top of her, smothering Sinji's face with her nethers. Lilith expects just as much attention down there as she continues to give Sinji's exposed member up top. Page 4: Lilith's juices have an unexpected side effect on Sinji, causing her muscles to expand at an astounding rate. The surge in sensations causes Sinji to lose control of her pent up fluids as well. Which in turn causes Lilith to grow just as fast. Sinji explodes in muscle mass, flexing, gigantic and swelling hard and fast as her bulk quickly outdoes the earth The two continue to grow and gush in a never-ending cycle of reciprocating growth. Page 5: As the two massive creatures continue to grow and fill up space they manage to position themselves for a passionate kiss. They form an indistinguishable universe of bulk, one side all muscle the other side all fat.




5b? Suspicious!


There was an older version of the last page. Nothing too suspicious it was basically the same thing XD


meh, not a fan of super super macro ultra golden delicious turbo boroto growth DX.