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THE VOTES ARE IN! And the winner is.... Careful What You Wish For! It was a close one again but after it's second month on the ballot CWYWF pulled it out in the end. Look forward to a whoooole lot of husky curves in this month's offering. As a side note this was a Patron submission as well so extra congrats to them. I've lowered the tier price to submit an idea for the tier vote to $20, if you're on that level you can lower your monthly pledge if you wish! If you're not, consider filling out the slots maybe? *puppy dog eyes* I also wanted to know if people had any ideas to improve the Patreon, anything I could be doing different or offering. Any comments, questions or concerns? Simply leave a comment below or if you wish to remain anonymous you can PM me. Thank you to all those who voted and I'll make it a good one!


Alexander Opst

Aw, heh- at least a fun one won anyway. And Jolene's quite a knockout- or, she's going to be one, at least! Hm. Considering the Growlithe gal seemed to get a decent number of votes, AND you lowered the price, I might as well stick around for next month- maybe the momentaurm just needs to build a bit further!


Always worth a shot, this one was the close call last month and it got around to winning.