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The now gigantic fox’s gaming binge has now turned into a full time career. She’s taken her love of gaming to the next level, with a little help from the fact that her now incredibly huge and immobile figure leaves her with more than enough time for practice.

She’s been tearing up the e-sports tournament scene, bringing in enough of a cash flow to support her eating habits and the continuous home renovations her impressive expanse requires.  Several walls have had to go to allow the fox girl room to spread out. Wide openings were cut out so she could see easily into the kitchen. While not gaming or eating she was usually watching her fox friend busily preparing her next meals or answering the door for the constant line of delivery vehicles. Speaking of which here he comes now! She excitedly points out the win she got with her newest main in Battlewatch: Warfare Royale.




I’m surprised she can see the screen, must be using a giant tv


I spy an overstuffed cameo. ^.==.^

Red Loup

So glad this got a sequel~


I love the perspective on this one, it gives a great sense of her size