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Hey all! Welcome back to a new month and back to our regularly scheduled smutty programming!

Look forward to voting on and helping create another new comic this month!

But before we're gonna be doing all that good stuff here's a few of the sketches I did over the break. You probably saw these already if you follow me on Twitter ( https://twitter.com/Rabid_Cowolf ) but I figured I'd post them up here as well.

I'll probably do a few more in the coming days as we vote on the next monthly comic! (that post will probably be up tomorrow)

I was also working on a full colour project that I hope will be fun...while also relaxing don't worry!




Gosh you used my ass as thr header pic *weeps*


Nice works cowolf. Glad you are back c:


Good to hear that you are back again Cowolf.

Ombre Khymyr

These all look great~ And I'm hoping your vacation was good. :3