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Of course the Head Mistress gets a vote on the matter as well. What kind of democratic process would it be if EVERYONE didn’t get a vote, right?

As she stuffs her vote in the overfull ballot box the massive, gym filling vixen can only sit and watch as her sensitive bits balloon out to massive proportions, nearly touching the gymnasium’s scaffolding.

The Fennec has to admit that it feels amazing, the added weight hanging off her frame, the tingling of the growth, the fullness, it’s all a new and exciting feeling for her. Not to mention that her embarrassment has turned to a sort of pride, after all she’s only this big because people wanted it. They voted for it! But just as she comes to terms with that the ballot box and the building have both had their fill...




See, I knew she'd come around to it :3. Super cutie.


She's gonna 'splode! =3 ♡♡♡