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Just a last minute reminder before pledges are processed, I will be taking the month of May off, there'll be no comic produced so the Patreon will simply be a general support tip jar. If you wish to pause your pledge for a single month you can find out how to do so here: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/215215063-Can-I-pause-my-pledge-to-a-creator-

Now that that's out of the way let me just express my DEEPEST thanks to all of you for this opportunity. Not only have you allowed me to work on art these past few years but you're also such compassionate and caring folks. Not only are you supporting my humble drawings but you also show genuine concern for my health and well-being. I can't even say that about my family and yet here you all are!

I'm seriously constantly in awe that this whole Patreon thing has worked out so long. When I started I assumed it'd be a failed experiment within a few months. The fact that we're three years running with sexy comics being my source of income is...amazing to say the least.

You all have shown me so much love and support that you've allowed me to take a little break from it for a bit to recover my sanity a bit.


I don't even know how to fully express my thanks to you all. Thank you so much for everything. I love you guys.



Enjoy your vacation <3


I'm not going to pause my pledge. I just joined!

Dark NZ

Everyone deserves a break, enjoy your holidays ^v^


do hope your break goes fantastically~