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Hey ya'll. Since we're going on over three years of Patreon comics (super amazing again thank you all so much for sticking with me and helping me grow as an artist and keeping me alive basically <3<3) I was feeling it might be time for a month off.

I've put it off so long because it'd be super disruptive to close the Patreon down temporarily and I always felt like taking a break while keeping it open would lead to losing a bunch of pledges. Would you leave or lower your pledge if there was no comic being produced that month? Would you think it's unfair that I was accepting pledges that month for basically nothing?

So since you all are my employers I figured I'd simply ASK if you'd be cool with me taking a paid vacation. ie. Keeping the Patreon open and just not making a comic that month.

Here's how this poll will work. Vote "Nah" if me taking a break would negatively affect your pledge IN ANY WAY. If there are...let's say...15 objections then I won't do it! No matter how many people say it's cool, if 15 people vote "nah" then the vacation will be canceled. It's anonymous so just pick from your heart!

(*PS. IF there's a month off I'll probably just spend it doing random fursona sketches for Patrons, like I've been doing on Twitter.)



Please take care of yourself. If someone values your output more than your worth as an individual, they don't have your best interests at heart. I hope some time off and rest can help you deal with the situation you find yourself in.

Lupi Inkenhoof

You need a rest. You deserve it, man.


We don’t want you to burn out so please rest relax


If you need a break and are worried about people dropping pledges, just change the Patreon over to per creation to pause it so it doesn't charge anyone. I'll still be here no matter what happens.


Honestly it's not so bad, just a bunch of bummer things happened in the past two years all in a row and I've been kinda down and stressed :P


I don't think I'd burn out, it'd mostly just be nice to not have to worry about producing a full comic for a bit X3


nothing wrong with taking a break. sometimes it is necessary to have a good rest. if anything maybe a 2 month break from comics and substituting it for just the fursona sketches could work. assuming those are a whole lot easier than a whole comic so there will still be stuff for the patreon while the workload is very much lessened without any guilt. for me personally I am all for a break no matter what, whether it be for a month or longer, as long as by the end you are feeling right as rain


There is the option for people to individually pause their pledge for a month if they don't want to pay, so honestly this shouldn't be much of an issue. I fully support you taking a break for a month!


You definitely deserve a break, especially after keeping it up for so long.

Night Akula

We love you! You need to be happy and rested so you can make more lewds!


Everyone deserves a vacation


Take yourself a break. It is far better for your well-being to rest when you need to than not.


Sure, everyone deserves a break. ^.==.^


Take a break, but don't charge for it. If you do, you should guarantee every patron a reward based on their tier. Don't take money for nothing. No "maybe i'll draw some people". That's bad business.


First time commenting sooooo uuhh... Ohayou Rabid! Feel free to gets some r&amp;r. I've loved your work for years.

Potzi Hookman

Whoever is so petty to say “nah”, i say may there be a pox on you in the form of a prostrate flu! Take a break, you’ve been providing so much for us, you deserve a break without worrying .


Dude you need a break so you should relax and take one you don't have to worry about the 15 people that would jump ship like that, there most likely saying that to be dicks or there not worth the time and stress to worry about. The second you reopen people would flud back into your patreon. You'll probably have even more supporters after this.


Taking a break is important as it helps your mind refresh and unwind.


This is true. I've been made aware there's a function to suspend your pledge for a month so I'll be sure to announce when I'm going to be taking a break and people can just shut it off or keep it on as a tip.


We all need breaks from our careers. Don't let a bunch of impatient fans ruin this opportunity!