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(Hey! Let me know what you think of the black gutters, I figured it'd help readability and add contrast!)

There’s no food allowed in the College of Magic’s campus library but minor infractions are usually overlooked. One student, however, takes it a bit too far. This gluttonous vixen is never seen without a huge meal or two, or five crowding her desk.

Between mouthfuls this vixen fixates on her second biggest desire other than food, obtaining a enormous, sexy, beautiful and absolutely MASSIVE backside. She loves the idea of it jiggling behind her, generating lusty stares as she shows it off with exaggerated steps.

She’s been looking through these magical tomes for years trying to find a spell to help speed along the process...and she just...might have stumbled across one.



James Dougell

The angling of the gutters is a bit distracting, but otherwise VERY welcome seeing them there, makes each image pop a lot more and not blend together as much.

Drakin Kovar

I agree, I'm fine with the black gutters, but maybe if they aren't so thick in spots. Maybe it's a 'negative space' thing, but I'm no art major so i don't know. All the same this looks like a fun start to the story. ^__^


That awkward angle was actually caused by a bit of the horizon line I thought might look better in black. Fixed now though ^^


Glad you like it! I'll definitely keep with the black gutters and try to keep them a bit smaller in the future <3


Ooh, I love the look of this comic, really look forward to seeing where this goes. I really should have gone for that cameo tier for sure as one hen witch would have been perfect. Still, I look forward to the rest of this. <3