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(A tiny bit over the deadline but since it's a bonus page I hope nobody minds. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the comic! I look forward to seeing what comics we make together this year!)

The little red-nosed deer empties himself all over the runway. Pumping gallons and gallons of seed over the edge into the ice cold waters of the North Pole. Phew... his entire body being relieved of the massive amount of pressure, the tingling of his incredible orgasm subsiding and the realization that he’s no longer growing all adds up to an extremely satisfying afterglow. He sinks back into the cushiony softness of his own balls and is soon surrounded with relived hugs from his teammates. They’re sorry! They didn’t mean for it to go so far and they shouldn’t have tried to get him kicked off in the first place. They’re just so happy he’s safe and...

Just then the signature logo of The Big Man’s personal airplane ‘The Overstuffed Package’, taxis into view....

Their adventure is over but they MAY have a bit of a discussion with the HR department about proper workplace conduct.




Omfg "The Overstuffed Package". That's both amazingly adorable and creative at the same time. I love it haha.


yeah very creative


;) for for red nose there!

Anime Guy

Welp better to get yelled at in a office rather than in f not of everyone else. Believe me getting yelled at in front of your coworkers is so embarrassing. 😥 Great comic as always Rabid. 👍


Aww, kinda sad you didn't keep the other reindeer that were in the prelim sketch in the fina shot. Still, this was beyond wonderful and I REALLY hope we get to see these four more often from now on~ ♥


Hehe I thought about it and it cluttered the panel up a bit too much I felt. As it went along I figured I should just focus on the three important ones X3


Getting yelled at for something that's not your fault is never a good feeling either but sometimes you just gotta take it X3


Any chance we'll get to see more of them? They're all too great to not use again... X3