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Captain Blizten isn’t actually a ‘captain’, she just naturally fit into the role of defacto leader of this group of delinquents, though she’s really more of a Team Mom than anything. This means two things, she doesn’t like her family messing with each other and she knows exactly who will crumble under pressure. The weak link is ironically enough the team’s strongest member, Comet, who hates making her beloved Blitzen upset.

Through a blubbering mess of tears Comet spills it all. Some of the girls didn’t like Rudolph being added to roster. He’d be the first male in their all-girl squadron. Dasher was the one who took it on themselves to get him kicked off the team. Right before his drug screening she dosed his sport’s drink with performance enhancing drugs...but none were found in his system.... It seems she accidentally picked the wrong type of enhancer. Curses! Why’d she have to think that cartoon mascot was so cute!




The imagery on that bottle is just perfect. ^.==.^


Can we just have like 50 pictures of Blitzen, srsly, love the design.

Xarnak Ansar

I’d love to see the designs of all these reindeer. They look spectacular! Poor Rudolph, those girls are so mean!


Haha I mean if you count each panel as one picture it probably comes to like....half that X3


Ah I kinda just designed them on the fly, but perhaps a group picture would be nice to cap it off with!