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I'm happy to inform you that I succeed in upgrading the animations.
I've been working on this for quite a while. Never said anything cuz I wasn't sure if it would work, but from what it looks like, it works perfectly.

So what was upgraded
- First of all the resolution. Now the animation is in 1920x1080 instead of 1280x720.
- Better shadows. More realistic, and better placement
- Better textures. More skin details.
- No lag, during the animations. There was always a lag every 10-15 second in my animations, I managed to get rid of it. Thanks to that animations are also much more smooth.
- And lastly, lower file size. Usualy single 30 second animation had around 200MB, the sample above has 42MB

I'm still testing everything, but if everything'll work as it should, then next video (after Futa Crisis) will be made with the above upgrades.

This is also good news for the Visual Novel. I had some problems with animations clipping, and I had to do a lot of additional stuff to fix it, but now it won't be a problem.

This is probably a maximum upgrade, I can do on my current PC.
There are still some things that can look better.



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