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Demo Status
I received today finished script (edited) for days 1-3.
Day 4-5, and extra NTR scene are currently being edited.
I'm expecting to receive finished script for the remaining days, sometime next week.
I'll start switching the draft text (day 1-3), with edited text, after posting the Miku Summer video (almost done converting).
More info next week, after I'll get edited text for days 4-5 + extra.

Full Game Status
Thanks to my editor, I could start working further on the game.
I'm not making it in any specific order - not day after day, but rather scene after scene.
Common route has complete draft text, and is around 50% finished.
I'm done with the first part of the common route (not edited), and now I'll be working on the second part - leading to the main routes (vanilla, or NTR).
First part of the game is mostly comedy based, and fixing Shinobu's condition.
After the ritual her mind is in a state of confusion, and she can't speak, and is acting like a kid.
After finding solution for her state, her personality will be like from the anime.
Both first half and second, has important choices leading to one of the routes.
Vanilla route, is the easiest to make, that's why I'm leaving it for the end. Currently I have general draft for it. Nothing else.
Vanilla route has no NTR genre in it.
It is the main route.
It has 2 endings - good, and bad.
NTR route A - Complete text draft for the first half of the route. Currently on hold, till I'll finish working on route B.
Route A involves among others, the school bullies of the protagonist.
Involves also other people.
Think of it as the main NTR route.
NTR route B - Complete text draft for the whole route, and around 60% finished.
This is a secret route, involving the stranger from the train.

NTR routes also have some branching endings.
NTR route A is the most complicated to finish, that's why I started with route B.
And yes, it's possible to have happy NTR ending.

Hard to tell at the moment how long it'll take to finish each route.
Probably NTR route A is the longest.

After receiving edited text for the demo, I'll send text from the first part of the common route to be edited.

I'll start posting a lot more samples soon.

Visual Novel takes a lot of time, so regular videos are coming out a little slow.
Sorry about that >..<
I'm doing the best I can :3
I want to finish, and publish VN this year. 



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