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...and some totally canon attire! Its jaguar print and gold platform heels eheheheh. I'm really happy with how this one turned out and I hope you like it too. Naturally there are no WIPs to share as I've been posting them as I go.

Also, 2 things:

The first is that I've been streaming on a schedule over at picarto (https://picarto.tv/LiveForTheFunk) Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri from 3pm to 6pm PST, though I might change it up in the future.

The second thing is that it took about a month to get this one completed. This is nowhere near the speed I want to be at BUT it is significantly faster than the time between Yoruichi to Atago, so I can see myself gaining momentum.

Thank you everyone for your support, see you next weekend!



James Ward

amazing work!! question what drawing app do you use i want to get started doing more digital art.


Nice work!


I use paint tool sai but I am going to start using clip studio once the backlog is done. Id recommend clip because it has way more tools and goes on sale all the time. Sometimes it goes by manga studio.