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Yeah, so Cheshire says the problem's a bit more severe than he thought, so we're gonna have to release it on the 30th instead of the 23rd, which again I'm really sorry for; as always, refunds are always available.

I'll have a powerup post tonight and such, too. Again, apologies, we just wanna make this as bug free as possible, there will of course be some bugs in this demo, but being that it's our first demo, yeah, we wanna make sure it's solid as much as we can.



Take all the time you guys need. You guys have proven yourselves time and time again.

Meak Lander

Anything good is worth waiting for, except duke en nukem, that bombed. But your game definitely is worth waiting while you guys fix the problems.

Mark Herrig

A few more days isn't too bad to wait, and your project is well worth the wait imo. especially if the enemies are going to be as awesome to fight/dodge as i am thinking the are. :D


I like yall and all that, which is a given that Ive been pledging for so long... But you -really- need to stop trying to give out dates. Youre working with Cheshire, youre not going to meet any date you set, ever. Its becoming habit for people that like you to go "alright, the latest date is July X... That means we'll get it sometime in August, probably the middle, got it." Im not asking you to rush things or anything of the sort, just stop trying to give people timetables, I dont think youve actually met more than 3 of them since you started this project.

Jonathan Marlow

u wanna know a good way to apologise?... another animation :D maybe the ice boss?


If we somehow pass the 30th with no demo, we'll go right back to posting sex animations again until the demo is out.


Yeah, I had a long talk with em and from this point forward, Cheshire just grossly underestimates how much work it'll take to get this or that feature fixed or implemented, so from now on we're only going to announce something is done when it is absolutely, completely done. In this case, it WAS done, but we just missed this one critical bug, future builds we'll just throw out without worrying about bugs, we just wanted this one to be really solid. We do realize though deadlines or specific dates are a bad idea, we stopped them for a while, went back to it and this happened,so yeah, likely going to only announce deadlines if we are literally unable to miss them.


I hope you all do enjoy it, for some of the maps I didn't eat for most of the day because I was too focused on making them done in time lol


Well, we don't want to take all the time we need, we did promise a demo this month. The only consolation is that we are continually making progress even if demos themselves get delayed.


Also, to Ben, as with everyone else, you are free to request a refund if your lack in faith of us completing the game or a demo or etc. has waned.


Thanks for the vote of confidence; problems arise, but we definitely don't want to let you all down within the realm of our abilities.


What about the people who pledged this month for a demo? If it's not out by the end of the month, that would be very disappointing.


If it's not out by the end of the month, those people would of course get this demo free regardless of whether they kept pledging. That said, do note that the primary purpose of pledges on Patreon are to support people creating a project, and we are continuing progress towards completion of the game; while Cheshire's fixing this, I'm continuing to work on content for the game, as is Triangulate, so it's not as if there's an actual delay in progress creation (and your pledges are what's making progression towards the game's completion a reality). We'll also be posting sex animations if we don't make the cutoff, too. And, of course, if you're not satisfied with the above about getting this particular demo regardless of any future pledges, you're definitely free to request a refund of all of your money if you've never received a demo or anything like that from us.


yeah, even if you say that's the primary purpose, some of us have secondary and tertiary reasons for pledging too. Hope this comes out soon.


That's totally understandable; just know that more than anyone, we want to get this game out too, so we're doing all we can to do so. :)




Meh, personally I'm more interested in the fully completed product, of course deadlines for demos are a little difficult to give out unless it's been fully tested and such. Even so, unexpected things tend to occur. *shrugs* as long as the game is great in the end, to me the demos are just an added bonus to my contribution.


Not to be rude, but I did post this upon the vote: "Yes I think testing C++ ASAP is a MUST, we may end up with a completely non functional demo next month with more stuff in it..."


Definitely not rude; that said, this is something where we did actually test it, but just didn't expect such a bizarre bug to come about. It was definitely an oversight, and we'll be testing stuff even harsher from now on.


This is pretty much how we think; despite the delay on the demo itself, progress towards the game continues on and the quality of the final game won't suffer despite demo delays. That said, we still want to get demos out ASAP to you all as well as make sure they work solidly.

Patron Vulture

Well, that's sad but being honest I prefer to wait, hopefully before 30th, for it. I don't even like to see animations spoilers because I want to explore those in the game itself, but that's just me. Hope it can be out soon.

doofy goof

Dates are a fantastic idea. Dates you don't hit are where the bad idea comes in. Please keep giving dates. I know you guys can't do this as a primary source of income, but $6000 a month isn't nothing. Dates give us a sense of what is actually happening to the money we donate. If Cheshire is garbage about hitting deadlines (it sounds like this is a thing he is known for?), then either don't tell anyone until you've already got the thing he promised you, or do the sensible thing and add a month to any date he hands you. No one is mad when you release before a date. But missing a promised date is the quickest way to irritate people supporting your thing. Please don't stop giving dates, just do whatever you have to to make sure they are dates you can hit. Consistently hitting dates, even if they are months apart will make people much more likely to re-pledge.


I surely do not wanna see boss posting lol. U guys r doin fine better than other kickstarter games but to be honest it would be much better to give period of time not exact date. It does get hype but also backlashes too. Other great kickstarters like Bloodstained wouldnt give out the date but concepts n rvealing current demo online. So yes it would be a little better for all to give out period instead date


Yeah, we started off this month doing that with the "9th to the 23rd" thing, but even that got screwed up, so we'll be doing a new policy thing (a few of them, actually) from here on out that I'll be talking about in a post as soon as I get back from getting something to eat.


The problem with dates is that they lead to situations like what's happened here; that said, it's funny you mention that about the "don't bring up the dates until we have it exactly as we want it" because that's part of the new policy post I'll be making it soon (are you psychic? :P). Cheshire is primarily known for this because of a few reasons; 1) He lives in Poland, and specifically a very run-down part of it. During the course of the game he's been robbed twice, attacked on the street out of nowhere (drunken man), extorted by the police there, and so forth. As part of maintaining the safety of the game though, he'll be doing monthly source code uploads to Google Drive and my own computer to make sure that the game's code stays safe in the event he's robbed again (this is also part of the new policies). 2) He USED to have a lot of real life vices, earlier on in development, but he's actually curbed/quit all of them at this point, so that part of delaying stuff has been nullified. 3) He developed numerous health conditions from originally being homeless for a year prior to the development of this game; at this point, almost all of them have been stabilized thanks to being able to live in an actual apartment, cleaning up or heavily reducing his vices, etc. This also delayed things for a good period of time early on. 4) Speaking of the run-down conditions, things like intermittent internet problems, weather problems, etc. can affect his ability to get a build in. This is unfortunately something that is very rare/sporadic, but still on-going, and we're going to nullify this problem by hiring on a backup programmer soon (which will also be in the new policies post). tl;dr Cheshire actually has been pretty good on not causing any "delays" for a good while now, but since he caused so many early on (regardless of the majority of them being out of his control), people attached that stigma to him unfortunately. That's why with the new policies post we'll be reducing any possibility for him, or any of us, to cause "delays". (The reason I put "delays" in quotes at the end there is because in reality, the game has never been delayed; even if demos were delayed, progress on art/writing/programming progressed whilst whomever was stuck on something was stuck on something.)

doofy goof

I didn't mean to sound accusing. I of course don't know Cheshire from a hole in the ground. Other than the fact that his work on Future Fragments has been spectacular anyway. Thanks for the transparency either way. All that said I think you guys have adopted a good policy. Dates are great, especially when you rig it so you always hit them.


Oh no, I'm not saying you were accusing him of anything, I was just giving explanation as to why people see him as such, etc.