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Again, we really encourage you to join the Discord if you can; https://discord.gg/puXrfSm if you're ever curious about anything on the game, that's the fastest way to reach us!

This post is going to be referencing a few questions people asked recently, so I figured I'd post them here too.

Tomorrow there should be a more expansive post covering what we've been working on the past month and how things are proceeding in general (tl;dr, it's good news)


First off, for people who don't know, the game's release date is scheduled for May 2020. You can read more about the schedule here; https://pastebin.com/MaJRtQ3E 


Next, even if you were to play every demo we've released so far, content-wise as far as cutscenes, events, endings, and content in general, you wouldn't be ruining yourself for the full game as the collective content of all demos amounts to probably less than 1/2 of what's coming for the full game.


Also, to people that have said we're milking this game's development for Patreon funds; we're decreasing $500-1000 a month in pledges and have been doing so since March 2019.

Milking the game and continuing it out with padding would be the stupidest thing we could do as a result.

This is just one reason why we want to get the game out ASAP, besides the fact that we want to make more games after Future Fragments is finished, not sit on the same game for eternity when we have so many other ideas for so many other games.

Not to mention, if we were in this purely for the money, Steam profits are easily 10-100x what the monthly income is for Patreon, and that's not counting the other 20+ sites you can sell the game on too, so again milking it would be an awful idea.

tl;dr: residual income from finished game sales PLUS the monthly income from a new game >>>> milking a game forever as your pledges decrease :P

Don't take all the above though as a statement that we're going to rush the game out with poor quality; we're not going to release it until we consider it done, as while milking a game forever is bad, releasing it unfinished or rushed after all these years of work would be far worse.


Finally, as a reminder, there's a lot of social media to follow the game on if you want;


Itch io




Picarto Streams





Thanks so much for your support!



Thats good to know and hello new here.


I have been following the development for a long time. Totally agree with you.