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It's out! If you want to know what's changed, definitely read the Changelog at the start of the demo, and if you want to know what's coming up, then check out the screen after that.

And here's the demo link:

If you've got any questions or comments about the demo, please do leave them in this post!

Feel free to discuss the game and ask questions on the Discord group, too;


Looking for more demos of the game? Go here:

Want to know why all the demos are standalone levels? Go here:

Trying to run the game on OSx? Go here:




Oh hey, this is a pleasant surprise for today. Loving the new stuff

Fred Damowicz

Hey, hey! Good to see y'all are back in action, right on the 31st! Great work on this btw




It's not working :( I click to start a new game, then select the difficulty, the screen goes black and an error comes up saying "Something went wrong when loading the game levels - If you're seeing this message, please inform the development team of your issue by contacting HentaiWriter."


Same here I get the same error


I was able to get in, but didn't do anything special so I don't have advice. Maybe try continue game?


What operating system are you on, and did you unzip the zip file to a folder on the desktop? Also, are you running any antivirus?


What operating system are you on, and did you unzip the zip file to a folder on the desktop? Also, are you running any antivirus?


very nice, loving the variety


Oh my god. I've been out of the loop on this game. I got the survey and starting reading it, didn't realize that there are more levels.


My only suggestion is a revamp to the struggle system that would make it actually viable for the animations to finish involuntarily, but aside from that things are looking good!


The main problem with that would be that it'd be a bit awkward if she's mid orgasm and then suddenly breaks away as if nothing was happening :P


Bam! 26th Like booyah! Anyway just downloaded the latest demo after discovering this diamond via PHub, shout out to HentaiWriters channel, you guys made me make a Patreon account just for this :P I feel like her jump was a little stiff at times while playing the public Gratification Factory demo but I'll see if that is still an issue this time round, will keep you posted! Keep up the great work!


Glad to hear you're joining up on Patreon with us :D The physics of the game haven't changed though since that demo; a large part of it is that we're using more old school physics for the game (think the original Megaman series vs new school Super Meat Boy "floaty" physics), partially due to our own preference and partially due to allowing for more precise platforming once you get used to it.