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Okay, so the public demo is out; if you got the Patron demo before, you DEFINITELY should get this version of the game still, as it has numerous fixes from the early Patron version, including; -Second save pad now works properly -Controllers work properly -Links are now clickable on opening screens -Ducking scrolls the camera much farther down now -Button added to mute all audio -Readme added that covers the most common questions asked about the game You can get it by going to my Tumblr or the ULMF thread (I can't link either here due to Patreon rules, unfortunately).



I'm currently playing through it, and I have to say I'm quite impressed. The animations are fluid and sexy, but (so far at least) not ridiculously over the top. In particular, I like how Talia (?) has a realistic body shape. Furthermore, the gameplay itself is quite smooth, and the level is a ton of fun. One thing I will say is that Talia's default attack seems a bit overpowered. I can clear out a whole room of generic grunts simply by rapid-tapping the attack button. One thing you might want to consider is adding some sort of cooldown bar, similar to the health bar. When that bar is empty, Talia has to wait before using her attack again. This might discourage blind spamming. You just need to make sure that there's enough juice in the bar to take down one generic enemy (ideally, the player should only have to wait for the bar to refill when Talia is in danger. Not being able to attack when there's a mob of monsters charging towards you adds tension. Not being able to attack when you're on one platform and a single enemy is on another is boring).


Also, small request: If you're going to have a billion and one bottomless pits AND Goddamn Bats AND complicated jumping, please please make it so that when the Talia dies, she starts at the beginning of the current screen, rather than at the save point. Either that, or put a save point after every remotely challenging jumping puzzle. I don't mind challenging jumping puzzles. What I can't stand is multiple challenging jumping puzzles in a row with no save or checkpoint in between, because then if I fail challenging jump puzzle 5, I have to go back and get past challenging jump puzzles 1-4 all over again, and I hate being forced to redo challenges I've already solved. It's tedious. And in my opinion tedious == poor game design.


If we did that, that would be somewhat pointless in terms of save point design; remember, this is an alpha demo, and so we're doing this to gauge if things are too hard/too easy. Many people have said the game is in fact too easy, to the point they were bored with it, and just as many have said it was too hard, so we're trying to find a balance. The post on ULMF however should heavily detail more about the new map design and how the bottomless pits won't be as hard to find/deal with anymore (and the increased duck range should make those harder too). (To note, only 15% of the maps have bottomless pits in the demo, and none of the future levels will have bottomless pits either. :P)


I detailed this a bit more in my feedback e-mail, but remember the magic words: "difficulty levels." There is absolutely no reason (especially since you're currently rebuilding things from the ground up) why you can't have difficulty levels. Basically, the easier the difficulty level is the closer Talia resurrects to the place where she died. That way those of us who aren't super into platformers and are here primarily for the porn (and a bit of fun gameplay) won't get too frustrated, and those who are really into platformers won't be too bored.


I agree difficulty levels can work, but difficulty levels won't fix bottomless pits or enemies knocking you off into them :P The resurrection thing though again nullifies the entire point of save pads/areas; take note that while we want to make this a fair game, this is meant to be a challenging game, but I'll of course talk it over with the team. (This also presents numerous programming challenges too, of course.) That said, we'll of course be reworking the maps to make the bottomless pits more obvious, as well as having already taken steps for this (the ducking fix, so forth). The people that are here solely for the porn can use the gallery code unlocks that'll be on the title screen of the upgraded demo, etc.


No, it doesn't fix the bottomless pits, but it does fix how much time I have to spend replaying parts of the level. I don't mind being challenged. I just hate having to redo challenges that I've already overcome. Besides, the beauty of difficulty levels is that you can create a challenging game and give players some control over how they want to play it. Not everyone falls into the "Don't care about the game, only want the porn" and the "Love me some brutal platformers" categories. Some of us fall somewhere in the middle. Adding difficulty levels can go a long way to keeping those of us in the middle satisified.


I also replied to the email, but the tl;dr is that if we do add difficulty levels, it probably won't do the platform respawning thing, for two reasons; 1) The Fire Level is the only area with bottomless pits, so coding in a difficulty level thing that only works on one level wouldn't really be worth it as it wouldn't function on other levels 2) We're going to be reworking the levels as it is, so I'll be making bottomless pits more obvious, and giving bigger safety for it, as it's the first level.


Well, it is your game after all, you make the choices. However, I fail to see how having the option to respawn where you died only applies to one level. I for one would find it quite convenient regardless of how I die.


and where can I download this PUBLIC demo? it's not even in the Creations section... or in this post... Is it even Public? as in people not even patroning can get it? WHERE?


The public demo is on the ULMF forums or my Tumblr account, neither of which I can link here due to Patreon policy regarding NSFW content. I also can't upload it on the creations area for the same reason.


Well, again, this would be how difficult it is to program or so forth; I'd have to ask Cheshire about it, as I have no idea how hard/easy this is, etc.


There is a V shaped room with an elevator in the middle going up and down and an floating platform above the elevating one. When I jump onto the up and down platform I can't reach the platform above the up and down one unless I missed a double jump. I think that is a bug because that V shaped room and the up and down elevator would be completely pointless in this case.


I agree with Andy here 100%. The save system and the bottomless pits really clash with each other. Your game is tedious. The art's great. The animation's great. The voice acting's great. But that doesn't make up for the Frankenstein-like list of game play mechanics you've stuffed into your game with out much thought of how they actually interact. It's like you've taken things from Metroid and Megaman and mashed them together without really considering what actually makes them fun in the first place. Why put instant death mechanics into a H game? Isn't the goal to have super fun sexy times while playing the game? If the majority of my game-over-states aren't induced by H-content why should I play? I'm sorry to be so harsh and I'm still gonna give you $$$ for a while but I just don't like you game in its current state (and yes I know it's a beta, and yes I know you intend to add flame effects the fire pit and an insulting "easy" mode that won't make the game easier just less frustrating.)