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We've sent out around 5,000 keys collectively between the two sites since February 15th or so; if you haven't gotten your key, please check your spam in your email for any emails mentioning "Future Fragments".

If it's still not there, then leave us a message on this post and I'll try to get you sorted out.

Remember, keys are/were for people who had backed $20, cumulatively.

EDIT: As a note, I'm sending these out effectively manually, they're not sent out automatically; that's why it takes a bit before you can get your key, as I'm working on the game at the same time.



haven't received one yet, can't wait for playing it!


Apologies, saw the email. forgot, I do not currently have a key and it's also possible I missed the form to fill out, if that's the case, just let me know and I can get it done


I hadn't checked on my account for a bit and missed the release window. Filled out the form, but figured i'd post on here as well just in case. Thanks so much for all the hard work sending these out! <3