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Been a long weekend, none of it was fun lol, but I got to do some thinking and I'm kinda realising that the games were slowly getting hijacked by people that trying to push it in a certain direction, and things were becoming a drag instead of it being fun like how it used to be, the things and scenes were becoming uninspired and boring just to please people that don't even bother to read the weekly updates. I guess I kinda lost my way for a bit cause I was trying to please too many people. Anyway, long and short of it is that I'll be focus on doing what's best for the game in the long run. Though I wanna emphasize that it doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore feedback, just mostly "personal fetish driven" feedback. 

That aside, you guys might have noticed that our links for the game kept dying, the long and short of it is that some stuff happened, it's a big pain, but most of the details can be found in the discord, I'm making plans to better prepare ourselves so that it doesn't happen again, I'll have a post detailing the changes out soon, probably after the update or sometime around then. 

So now that the serious and gloomy stuff is out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff!

Some of you might have seen this on the twitter, but here's a small spoiler-but-not for the Christmas event! 

The votes seemed to have more or less became stagnant, so we're pretty much sure of who's going to get scenes and all that, the plot if pretty much settled, all that's left to do is to get the writing in and wait for the scenes to be completed! Hopefully it'll be a fun little event for everyone!

I wanna drop some sneak peeks, but some of them will spoil the surprise, so I'll be dropping some of the woohoo stuff as sneak peeks instead when they're done XD

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.12 for Patrons on 18th December, v1.12 for the public on 1st Jan)
-Karui event
-Samui's level up event
-Karui scene
-More stripping scenes
-UI update for shops
-Unlocking more outfits for the girls
-Giving all Suna girls outfits
-Tidying up loose ends
-Separating Arc 1 from Arc 2

Star Cove Incident (No ETA for now)
-Letting the artist rest
-Waiting for art to be done



I wholeheartedly support your decision for taking the games back in your own hands. It was you who created Nano-control and for me it became a masterpiece of a game, generally and for the genre. And I’m more than sure that you’ll turn the game around in a good way! And don’t forget, we players feel it, when you had fun creating the game (or update) because it’s the tiny bits and pieces in there that give the games it’s flavor. I think what I’m trying to say is, that you should have as much fun creating the game as we’re having playing it!


Your concern about the game is understandable. Yes, we often try to please some people to the detriment of ourselves and others as well.


I love these games and your direction. You do you


to be a spectator is a gift