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Hey all, just thought that I should have this post up for some shameless self promotion haha.

On a slightly more serious note, Chapter 2 of Demon Saga is out! We have a bit more previews here in the Pixiv page!

If it strikes your fancy, you can get it here on our pages: 






Will you be reactivating your other patreon doggo doujins and be sending it to the patrons there? Or is doggo doujins deactive forever and we should purchase any future doujins on Gumroad or something? Just asking so I don't buy a second copy by mistake.


Oh, it won't be brought back anytime soon unfortunately, still trying to get more artist to get steady releases. However, no need to worry about accidentally buying a second copy! I'll definitely have a clear announcement up if the doujin Patreon is brought back!


Trust me self-promotion is not a shame!)) Congratulations on the release of the second chapter of the Demon Saga!


Is fairy hunter coming back too. That' how I found you and I loved it

Sakai Yuji

Is there a chapter 1 to this? Great work btw!