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Hey everyone! We've more or less seen all of the possible states of Hannah at this point, so I figured I'd officially upload the full set of art I've commissioned for her. This reads edges-to-middle, not left to right or right to left: Hannah, after all, has two starting points but only one convergent finale.

Also, I'll be honest here: I have a lot of character art, but it mainly gets uploaded to my discord and I genuinely do not know how much of it I've successfully posted here. If there's a main-cast Bioshifter character you haven't seen art of, let me know in the comments and I can drop what I've got later today.

Thank you all for reading!




I’d like to see the founder since theyre so similar


You know, it was kind of mean to share pictures like this and get people all excited about building up to her final form and then announce that actually her final form is made of genocide. I mean I love the story and I love the art but OOF.