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  • APressingMatter_1080_h264.mp4
  • APressingMatter_4K_h265.mp4



Hello, looks like Kitsune time again! /ᐠ.  ̫  .ᐟ\

Hope you've all been great since the last WIP!❤️ We've updated a ton of scenes in these last days and really took some time to focus on pushing our progress ahead! ٩(。•`◡´•。)۶ Better animation, better camera angles, improved liquids, and reworking some really important parts of the animation to make the main event the best it can be (。> ‿ ◕。) Can't wait for you to see it all together finally!❤️❤️

With all these updates we'll be jumping right back into the next WIP to share in just a few days! This will be a really busy month as we're already pushing towards the climax and making plans for ending updates (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️ Fischl is giving it her best and so are we!❤️ Not to mention some really exciting ideas we're planning up next! (˵> ω <˵)

Thank you all for the fun ideas and kindness that have helped us along the way!❤️ And another huge thank you to Rii (@riizuwu) for continuing to bring so much life and emotion to Fischl!❤️

See you soon in the next one!❤️(˵^ ω ^˵)❤️




Slime-kun mating pressing our prinzessin looks so hot🤤


Is there a long form video chaining all these WIP scenes together? I checked the discord but didn't see it in the links channel.