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  • HeavenOrHighWater_1080_h264.mp4
  • HeavenOrHighWater_4K_h265.mp4



Hey hey! I hope you're having a fantastic week so far! (っˆڡˆς)❤️

Today, we're super excited to bring you another short from Fischl x Slime! ❤️(˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️ This particular scene captures the transition between Fischl being on the floor and her climbing back onto the bed. It's one of 3 scenes (or 4 if we count a small loop in between) that we initially planned to release together. However, we realized that the combined climbing sequence runs for almost 30 or 40 seconds, so we decided to release just 1 of em =P No surprise this project has grown to around 20 minutes long, having all other extra scenes and transitions in mind ❤️ლ(´ڡ`ლ) 

As always, a huge thanks to Rii (@riizuwu) and Kitsune (@KitsuneEcchi) for their big help with voicing and editing this WIP! (っˆڡˆς)❤️❤️❤️

Though the week has been relatively quiet due to some irl events that both Kitsune and I had to attend, we've managed to make significant progress! We're currently in the middle of polishing phase 4, and we've even added a couple of new scenes to enhance the pacing. So he project is moving forward steadily! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

So this weekends we'll do our best to cover nearly all the improvements for the phase 4 and then move on to the lighting! Oh it's gonna be so fun! (っˆڡˆς)❤️ So i would love to invite u all in advance on our big weekend stream, starting this evening and continuing until Monday! (with a few breaks for sleep, of course. And if we can find a way to put Kitsune to sleep too, that would be a really nice bonus! ❤️

So please, join us on our Discord and I'm already looking forward to seeing all of you on our animation stream! I wish you a fantastic Friday, an incredible weekend, and let's have some fun! ❤️(˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️




Oh that's good




Finish it xD JAJAJAJA i wanna see the video already xD JAJAJA


WOO thank you all for your hard work, and you BETTER get some sleep between work 💢 but fr, you're all the best


The underground waterbed looks so hard


What, 20 minutes of slime-kun? What could be better.


20minutes of high quality slime time! Man I can’t wait to see the final product!


Yes, I love the theme here of Fischl trying to move around and the slime not letting up on her. I can't blame him, I don't think I'd be able to either.


I’m very hyped for this☺️ Keep up the amazing work


She is so hot~



Nathan Streety

Lovely as always. Maybe release the other deleted scenes as a side thing?


Most definitely! We are cutting quite a few from phase 2 and 3, and we'll do our best to release em separately! All the lights and motions were already polished for em anyway (๑❛ڡ❛๑)👍

Philipp Action

Really have to think about whether i watch this whole or go Phase for Phase to not do it all in 20 minutes and be done xD.


emmm🌚 I know this is a greatest thing but right now is one year on this project (; ̄ェ ̄)

Tui Toi

Hey can i have full video of fischl ?


Less gooooo, we're almost there😎




Damn, the slime really like fischl XD


Its much easier for me to work with a foggy scenes, but im doing my best to learn the "clear" scenes too! So yes! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Why I can’t find that Hutao video (the long animation one)anymore under the animation taged section?


Can I please get the discord link! ❤️


cant find the discord link anywhere, any ideas?


Sadly, Patreon team told us to take it down. We are working on providing u some alternative links (๑❛ڡ❛๑)👍


Why do I click the link but it doesn't take me to the video page


When it will be finished? And can u mark it when it is finished?(*^ω^*)

ViciNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-30 09:26:36 I dont like to set any exact dates, but we are going to start assembling the whole animation in less then a week, so the wait is almost over! (っˆڡˆς)❤️You can always check our progress on our daily Discord animation streams (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️
2023-07-30 03:04:18 I dont like to set any exact dates, but we are going to start assembling the whole animation in less then a week, so the wait is almost over! (っˆڡˆς)❤️You can always check our progress on our daily Discord animation streams (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️

I dont like to set any exact dates, but we are going to start assembling the whole animation in less then a week, so the wait is almost over! (っˆڡˆς)❤️You can always check our progress on our daily Discord animation streams (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️