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  • ToMakeAnArchontMelt.mp4



Ei is at Miko's mercy but she's not done yet (¬‿¬) - Kitsune

And here we are! One more scene closer to the finish, which is pretty not far away now! At this rate, in a few days we will already be animating the ending. Just as you requested, we will try to make it a little more intense and juicier than it was in Ganyu X Keqing, so stay tuned  ಠ‿↼

And as requested earlier on stream and in comments, we have already changed the look of her breast a bit, so roundness is back! ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ Although its not visible in the current scene, the "work stream" viewers have already liked the new change, and i think you will be able to judge those updates by yourself in very the next WIP ಠ‿↼

So as always, not wasting any more time, HighRes in attachments, check out our discord, stay healthy and enjoy! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️



Yumina Nirvalen (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:47:33 I loved the Ganyu x Keqing one and this too looks awesome promising. Question: Will there be some nice background images available too with Yae and Raiden? Need some more for <3.
2022-04-08 17:23:44 I loved the Ganyu x Keqing one and this too looks awesome promising. Question: Will there be some nice background images available too with Yae and Raiden? Need some more for <3.

I loved the Ganyu x Keqing one and this too looks awesome promising. Question: Will there be some nice background images available too with Yae and Raiden? Need some more for <3.

ASO (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:47:33 humbly requesting yae miko footjob video in the future &lt;3 &lt;3 great work!
2022-04-08 17:37:30 humbly requesting yae miko footjob video in the future <3 <3 great work!

humbly requesting yae miko footjob video in the future <3 <3 great work!

sam jjgan

so,it is better to be a game,and i can can change it.


Glad you enjoyed our previous FxF animation and really hope you will like the new one even better! ❤️❤️❤️ As for the backgrounds and static images, im planning to make more of such in the near future, so stay tuned! ಠ‿↼


Footjob has become a really popular request lately so we will definitely give it a try in the very near future! ಠ‿↼ And thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️