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  • BellyTest1.mp4



I really feel like i love the teasing view of their bellies even better than the main action (っ˘ڡ˘ς) ❤️

There will be no long message today =) The work is in progress, Discord server is working and the ideas are flowing! (and being carefully collected ಠ‿↼ ) Even a bit too many ideas XD And even a couple of suggestions have already appeared to slightly extend the length of the current animation, in order to implement at least a small part of them. And while i want to keep my promise of a "short" project, im still tempting (¬‿¬) 

While im still thinking about it, there is little time left for those thoughts, because more than a third of the project is already done, and soon we will cross the line, after which it will be really problematic to add something on top of it. Anyway, even if we will decide to expand this animation, it will be no more than 2-4 scenes more, so it wont take long to create them.

Well, without further ado, its time to back to work and to our small discord working stream ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ And as always, everyone is welcome, if you are not afraid of spoilers of course ಠ‿↼

Stay safe and enjoy! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 💖💞💖

HighRes in attachmnets! ❤️




Oh la la 😍😍 so hot !


Ayo I just took a Shower 🦍


Definitely love the view of their bellies here. It's an underrated part that I'm beginning to appreciate more! Can't wait for more! 😍💖

Shadic (Degen Fischl)

So smooth and I’m pretty sure youre going toward the « double kiss » that we suggested 🥵


Am i the only one that thinks raidens boobs look weird in this scene?


Well done Sensei and Kitsune. Love you again !!! 😙❣️💕 😘💖💓


Beautiful bellies. Can’t say the same for me since I’m fat.


I think the physics there hasn’t been worked out or sth. I dunno if it’s intended but it feels like jello or sth flappy


The belly’s kinda weird also, but without knowing context it’s hard to say accurate or not


They are wonderful! I really want to see what happens next. I always liked the way you make wet skin and highlights on it, the eyes are very happy with the view :) I think it was worth making the animation with Yae Miko and Raiden full, and Raiden with Aether shorter. I said earlier that I don't really like vanilla animations, but it would be very interesting to see how two goddesses have fun ;) But everything is already planned as it is. In any case, I'm always happy with what you create. Good luck with further animation :3


Tskr 🙏 Belly fk Les goooo~ w

Mr. Willow

Waiting for your product 😉😉😉


Look like 30% of what they should be and floppy like jellyfish. Don't understand what some people see in this, but we have different needs after all.


Discord link çalışmıyor


I feel like even too hot XD i mean, i need to balance the red-ish colors just a but =P


Glad you like it! ❤️ Cant wait to show, what's more Yae has in mind! ಠ‿↼


You can also join us on our small work streams, too see those ideas being implemented live ಠ‿↼


It looks ok for me... But i will discuss this moment with Kitsune and see what he can say from his perspective of view, and we will add proper fixes! Thank you! ❤️


You are seriously boosting my collections of heart emojis!!! 💖 ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ 💓 Thank you! ❤️


Justice to bigger bellies! Btw, we are planning to make Ganyu a bit more plump then the others, so i cant wait to experiment with new body types! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️


If you wont receive auto-invite in 1 day, pls, send me a DM message here and i will send you a personal invitation! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️


The progress is good, so i hope to finish this animation in a week or two! ❤️


Almost half of the animation is already done, so you wont need to wait long! Luv you too!!! (っ˘ڡ˘ς) ❤️


Thank you! I feel like we can do a better job with overall color balance and probably change their booba behaviour just a bit too. And btw, we are planning to make at least one more small animation during our work on Raiden x Aether and it will probably be the Slime/Monster one, so stay tuned! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️