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  • HuTaoFluidTest1.mp4



This is the last scene before "The Ending", so the tempo is pretty high. (¬‿¬)

Fluid simulation doesnt like to interact with fast moving objects at all - fluid always tries to start jumping on a character (;一_一)  Ive done a couple of tests and already implemented some physics tweaks to reduce this effect, but there is still some work to do and i will come back to it when im done with the rest.

As always, any ideas and suggestions are absolutely welcome! (。◕‿‿◕。)

HighRes in attachments =)

P.S. You won! HuTao's public hair is no more =)




If it looks that strange (of which it somewhat does) perhaps consider just doing those fluids when she is lying or still, nearer the end when she's tired or finished?


Oh, these scenes will certainly be at the very end (¬‿¬) But i really wanted to add a couple of scenes with liquids in motion too (actually already made them all)