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Hey guys. There was a point where I thought I’d never write this, but I guess things change. At the end of this month I will be shutting down the Patreon. I’m sorry for any disappointment or frustration this causes, I just don’t think I’m capable of maintaining this service to a level where I feel comfortable charging monthly.

I think it’s been pretty obvious for awhile that things haven’t been running as smoothly as they once did. So much has changed about my life, especially my schedule. I just don’t have the time to do this anymore, not like I use to. And if I can’t make the time, then I feel I have no business charging you all month after month.

There aren’t enough words (that I’d most likely misspell) that can express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Whether you’ve been here from the beginning, or just donated for a month or two. You guys investing your income in me and my art was something I never wanted to take for granted, and I hope I never have. It’s silly, but all of this has made me a better artist and I owe it to all of you. From the bottom of my heart thank you.

——(Finishing The Month)——

So what does this mean for the rest of October? Honestly, nothing out of the ordinary. I still have pictures you guys haven’t seen yet that will take us through the next few weeks, but come November, I will no longer be posting new work. The biggest thing I hope to finish in time is the Zonk story, but if I don’t, it will be posted for free on all of my usual handles.

Which actually is a good segue into the next topic.


So this is the biggest thing I feel needs to be addressed. Whats going to happen to all of this art once the month ends? Simply put, in November I’ll begin the process of posting everything for free. It won’t be an immediate process. It will mimic how I post things now. Rest assured I’m committed to making sure everything here is preserved where everyone can readily see it.

The only thing I ask of everyone is that nobody reposts anything that isn’t already on my other handles. I understand the reality of the internet, and that I can’t truly stop anyone from doing what they want, but all I ask is you let me control the speed at which I make everything available. If you’d want to save pictures, I actually encourage you to do so. Just leave the posting to me.

—(The End Of CK?)—

The last thing that I think I need to address is in full honesty, this isn’t really goodbye. I still plan to take commissions and post the occasional idea, but more accurately this is me stepping away from being a consistent content creator in this space.

5 or so years ago I made this treadmill for myself, and I’ve been running on it nonstop. I’m taking myself off that treadmill. I’m going to pursue some other things I’ve wanted to do for a long a while now. I’ll still be out there doing my thing. Maybe we’ll see each other again.

Till then, be good. I hope I was able to do right by all of you. There are a million more things I could say, but I really don’t want to make this overdramatic.

What I’ll end this on is something I think is an absolute fact. You all changed my life.

Thanks for all the laughs,



Florian Anonym

I wish you the best and hope whatever you do you like it but im very curious if youre stories to the pictures will be archived aswell or just the pictures bc youre stories are really really good aswell


CK, your work exhibited a passion and flair that’s really rarely found elsewhere. No matter where you decide to take your art career, rest assured that you’ve made your mark. It was and always will be lovely to have you in this community.