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Hey, guys, hey!

This is another Status Game without much news though.

But there is one news. It is possible that in winter there will be a demo of one project, which is unknown. This project I started recently after the events of December 8 (I will recall that then Patreon was useless to me because of the impossibility of withdrawal). 

It was conceived as a game for the PC and for Android. Now it is still in the development stage and I hope. It will come out with other projects. Which gameplay I’m going to keep secret.

I’m also working on Gd2 and I’m currently animating the third attack defeat. It’s the longest and deadliest. Then I’ll do the renderer and direct development in the game.

I’m also working at SimGD on another NPS system. Most likely there won’t be much new in the update. These will be modified models of schoolgirls and their scenes when choosing Feet.

If such a system is good, I will also redo all other scenes to such a system. I hope it will be quick.

This is all the news so far! If there are any questions, ask in the comments!

And don’t forget that now all paid content will only be on Boosty.

Of course, as soon as the problems in Patreon are solved or there is a new way to withdraw, I will report it.

Thank you all for your support!

Happy past holidays to all of you! I hope you had a good holiday with your family)



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