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Hi all!

This is of course a Status Game, but I will be brief here, since there is nothing to talk about.

From what happened during August and during the Summer, the most important thing is that the development in SS2 is over Karin and Nirin. Version v0.4.3 finally went public! And although there is still work on the endings, this can already be done at the polishing stage of the game.

Now in SS2 there will be a stage of filling with enemies. Because the location of the School is there, there are no enemies.) There, with versions v0.4.4 or v0.4.5, enemies from the event in the library will be added and also other enemies from locations in the school.

For other projects, everything remains the same. That is, work is underway in GD2, the enemy for AllSized (which is in the image above) is also in development and almost at the final stage. In SimGD, I plan to remake the Random NPS system and maybe in the fall it will be ready.

Generally speaking, I'm working on everything) And I try to ensure that projects are not too late now, or at least evenly developed.

Don't forget to report bugs. Or also ask about projects if you have any questions. If I don't forget, I'll try to answer).

Well, I ran away to work on!




<p style="color: #008600;">Hey! What really pleases me is that you try to find time for all your projects, punctuality and ambition are good qualities!</p>