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Hi all!

This is another post about what I did in 2 months.

But I didn't actually do much, since June and July I was busy with vacations and trips. So I didn't spend much time at the computer. This is also the reason why there was no post in July.

In the end in all that time I only had time to finish a single battle against Nirin. Also, just recently I finally added the ability to defeat the twins. However, so far only in the test version. I haven't added this to the story game itself yet.

In general, I plan to do this. Create an event that will lead the player to the roof, and there before entering will be a battle against the twins, as I planned. I can also say that after this version v0.4.3 will finally become public, which is very long awaited. Yes, the battle against the twins is uncompleted in terms of the ending. But the battle itself is now passable and has an ending. Therefore, work on it can be slightly suspended. Although there's still a lot of work.)

Next work in SS2 will be on the next enemy. And it will be a familiar schoolgirl, but of course as a different enemy. I will try to make her with the aim of seducing or charming. But this work will be more likely in the Autumn only.

I don't have anything to say about the other projects yet.

Except that for Sim GD, I decided to redo the random NPC system. They will become really like random enemies in a classic RPG, but they will offer their own service. Or a battle, if you get a rude npcs).

I do not know how long it will take, but I hope not long.

By the way, the picture above, that would be some of the schoolgirl nps. Probably the Gentle One.

So far, that's all the news I could tell you. For the other projects, the plans remain the same.

Pictures and the comic will soon be back up again on occasion. Or a video, if I can find the time to make one).

That's all for now, thanks for your support and patience!

I'm off to get on with my work!




<p style="color: #008600;">Well, summer is vacation time, we know that. Don't worry that you haven't made good progress. You will have time to catch up</p>